There Is Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024

Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024

Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 here is the list:


Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 First is Doge coin Price is 13.50 INR (0.16 USD). Current Value Its +7.42 INR (O.O9O USD). +110.94% Higher then it’s one year ago price . Past one day Growth  is +8.16% . Doge coin going  upper and higher price day by day . Doge coin market cap  of 22.22 Billion USD . Doge coin ranked Top 10 position on biggest Market cap Coins List .


About Coin 

Dogecoin is a fast  and instant payment system based on the  litecoin architecture . Doge coin logo is inspired  by a World popularized Dog AKA Shiba Inu.



Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 Second is meme coin price is 3.64 INR (0.044USD) . Current value its +1.93INR (0.023USD) +112.59% Higher then its one year ago price . Past one day growth rate is +7.15% Higher. Meme coin All time Highest price touched in 3march 2024 In IN 4.5 INR(0.054USD). Current price is -16.63% lower then its past one week high price meme coin market cap of 471,751,037USD . meme coin touched its all time high price at the end of March 2024.


About Coin

Meme coin is the native ecosystem  token of memeland. Memeland focus is socialfi and creator economy , its aims at connecting creators and communities together through  NFT.



Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 Third is SHIBA INU price is 0.002305 . current value it’s +0.001660 Higher and Growth rate is +179.46% Higher then It’s one year ago price. Past one Day, Growth rate is +12.45% upper. Shiba Inu touch its All time High priced In 21 oct 2021 Of 0.006400USD . Current price is -14.74% lower its one week price. there are some Experts Says Regarding Shiba Inu price potential, speculating that it could potentially reach  82.92 INRI 1 USD).


About Coin

SHIBA INU is a meme crypto which began a social token and has now transformed into a Decentralized ecosystem.



Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 Fourth is Bonk coin price 0.00256 . current value is its +0.00012 Higher growth rate is +5.35% Higher then Its one years ago price. Past One Day Growth rate is +2.42% upper. Bonk All time High price Is 0.00271. Before March end Bonk again touch its All time High mark. Bank coin Ranked Top 12 position on Biggest market cap coin list. Bonk coin market cap of 743946 US Dollar.


About coin

Bonk is the first Dog theme coin on Solana “For the people. by the people” with 50% Of the total supply of the Cryptocurrency.



Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 Fifth is Tether coin Price 90.72 INR (1.09 US Dollar). current Value its +3.32 INR (0.40 USD) Higher, Growth rate +3.86% Higher then Its one year ago price. Past one day Growth rate +1.24% Upper. Tether coin All time High price is 91.27INR (1.10 USD) this time Tether Break its All time High price and  closed to Touch 100 INR price at the end before this month. The Tether coin ranked Top 3 position On Biggest market cap coin list of market Cap 103.37 Billion USD.


About coin

Tether coin is a fiat-collateralized Stable coin . The most widely accepted Stablecoin within the Blockchain ecosystem as a payment method and means of exchange.


These Top 5 Crypto currency in 2024 is highly recommended.

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